This goes on to talk about the effect on children but now dealing with how the young adults were affected with having an alcoholic parent. During their experiment young adult dating relationships quality was defined as the level of trust, intimacy, commitment, & satisfaction in the relationship. While looking at participates family life, family life quality was defined as the level of cohesion, conflict resolution, and family competence. This information was collected by a survey and then evaluated. They also included other factors of course into this study such as income, divorce rates, and as well as a demographic questionnaire as well. It was found that young adults from alcoholic families in which family process was less negatively affected by parental alcoholism were less likely to report lower dating relationship quality than those from families in which family process was more negatively affected by parental alcoholism. However, parental alcoholism was found to have a significant direct effect on family process. Which in turn states that parental alcoholism negatively affects dating relationship quality indirectly though family process and that parental alcoholism alone may not have a negative effect. Thus, the relationship between parental alcoholism and young adult dating relationships appears to be indirect rather than direct and is mediated by family process. The better a family’s ability to remain relatively cohesive, to …show more content…
According to _____ differentiation is associated with an individual’s ability to self-regulate their emotional reactivity or psychological reactance. Individuals with high levels of differentiation have an increased capacity to separate their emotions from intellectual thought. Participants were college students that completed questionnaires about various subjects dealing with family of origin, alcoholic status, abuse violence and others. The results of this experiment was that adult children of alcoholics (ACOA) seem to be more emotionally reactive and have lower levels of I position than non-ACOA’s, indicating a tendency to respond to environmental stimuli with emotional flooding, emotional lability, or hypersensitivity and a lack of clearly defined sense of self. They also found that ACOA’s seem to be more emotionally cut off, this can be supported by the lack of satisfaction.