Contrary a practitioner who may use the socio-medical approach may focus on Alf’s social factors affecting his health and not just at his bronchitis or the fact that he has been diagnosed as having lung cancer. A counselor or psychologist may be questioning …show more content…
A social inequality is a lack of social equality, where individuals among the society do not privilege of equal social status. Social inequality has several important dimensions. Income is the earnings from work or investments, while wealth is the total value of money and other assets minus debts. Other important dimensions include power, occupational prestige, schooling, ancestry, and race and ethnicity. One approach to explain poverty is to blame the poor - that the poor are responsible for their own poverty. There is some evidence to support this theory, because the main reason people are poor is the lack of employment. According to this view, society has plenty of opportunities for people to realize the American dream, and people are poor because they lack the motivation, skills, or schooling to find