
How Does Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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How Does Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar
In the script Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the characters Antony and Brutus both give the roman citizens a speech. The purpose of the speech is to persuade the citizens to “elect” who is going to be the new leader of Rome. Antony and Brutus both are genuinely strong at manipulating the citizens of Rome. Antony uses pathos and Brutus uses logos, but the speech that had the best effect was Antony’s. Antony was furtively trying to convince the people that Brutus was wrong and Caesar did not deserve to die. Brutus enters the forum with a crowd of plebeians. He then takes action and tells the audience that he is a extremely honorable man and that they can trust that. He explains to them that he did not kill Caesar because of lack of love,

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