
How Does Atticus Finch Show Courage

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How Does Atticus Finch Show Courage
Scout was raised in a time with racial prejudices going on around her. This instilled in her the admirable qualities of courageousness and maturity. Her father, Atticus Finch, was fighting for the freedom of the opposing side, the one everybody despised. This caused her to be put in many dangerous and hate filled situations in public which included school and the majority of Maycomb County’s white community. One night, Atticus had to flee to the jailhouse where Tom Robinson was held. He was surrounded by very shady people outside of the building as Scout witnessed. She witnessed the whole conversation and was terrified for the safety of her father. Scout, “... broke away from Jem and ran as fast as (she) could to Atticus” (Lee 202). This shows …show more content…
Before the case started, people at Scout’s elementary school were teasing Scout about her father’s job in protecting a black man. One person that especially got on Scout’s nerves was Cecil Jacobs. Out in the courtyard, Cecil was taunting Scout to get into a fist fight. Before Scout could throw a punch, “... (she) dropped her fists and walked away… (She) could take being called a coward for him. (She) felt extremely noble for having remembered...” (102). Scout used her maturity to think of the better action to do. She remembered Atticus’ morals about using knowledge instead of her fists when facing Cecil. She is becoming more mature by not only following Atticus’ teachings, but by not partaking in childish actions. Now that Scout has taken the negative actions into thought around her community, she has taken what she has learned from Atticus to benefit from it. She is using the qualities of courage and maturity to become a very likable character in the …show more content…
One strongly would dislike Bob for his actions to confront Tom Robinson in raping his daughter. He is evidently proved false in the case by Atticus Finch. While Atticus is trying to do his job as a lawyer, Bob spits in Atticus’ face. This is unspeakable behavior from a grown man. Even Scout looks at him as evil through his actions on Halloween night when he attempted to hurt her for vengeance for their father’s attempts to prove him wrong. Bob’s hurtful words about Tom shows his efforts to be racist about Tom and the black community. Bob proclaimed, “I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin' on my Mayella!” Bob Ewell says this in a way that does not need to be said. First of all, he does not use Tom’s name which shows how he does not even treat Tom as a person. Beyond this, he stresses Tom’s race as an African American as if it has anything to do of who is guilty or not. Although people in Maycomb County were known for their prejudices against African Americans, Bob is extremely emphasizing his despise against them through his conviction of Tom Robinson. The qualities of racism and cruelty that Bob Ewell possesses makes him a dislikable character throughout the

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