b. Fainting is due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. And holding your breath causes the heart rate to slow and blood vessels to dilate, which then leads to blood pools in the lower body and less blood going up to the brain.
c. Compensatory mechanism that become activated include; increase sympathetic outflow leading to arteriolar vasoconstriction, venoconstriction, and increase in heart rate;
d. Increase pressure in the aortic arch will activate the aortic arch reflex and cause increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. …show more content…
It can be caused my many things such as heart tissue damage, high blood pressure or even an infection. One of the causes disrupts the normal electrical impulses that control the rate of the heart’s pumping action. Excess amounts of sodium can cause the heart to change the pattern or speed of heartbeats. I would recommend a drug that limits not completely blocks the sodium channels of the heart cells because sodium carries an electrical charge that is needed for proper heart activity. Blocking the calcium channels can reduce fluid levels, which then could lead to an electrolyte imbalance. Calcium also plays a role in maintain electric currents for normal heartbeat. Blocking calcium channels would do more harm than