1) What structure(s) is (are) supplied by the meningeal branch of a spinal nerve? 2) What structure contains nuclei that control coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting? 3) What part of the nervous system is responsible for accelerating the heart rate in an emergency? 4) What is the terminal portion of the small intestine? 5) What structure connects the yolk sac to the embryonic midgut? 6) Nerves that pass through the sympathetic chain without synapsing innervate which structure? 7) Be sure that you know the order of the meninges. 8) What structure(s) do autonomic fibers that run in the glossopharyngeal nerve supply …show more content…
9) structures supplied by postganglionic fibers originating in the ciliary ganglion 10) What lines the ventricles in the brain?
11) Structures found in the ovarian cortex? 12) What structure covers both the ovary and testes? 13) Which structure contains nuclei that regulate body temperature, food intake, and sexual response? 14) Which structure is responsible for creation of long-term declarative memories? 15) What is the neurilemma? 16) structure(s) is/are found only in the PNS 17) The right and left sides of the gray matter of the spinal cord are linked by what structure? 18) Where does the spinal cord end? 19) What female structure does NOT originate from the paramesonephric ducts? 20) The gray communicating ramus 21) What part of the brain is most involved with emotion? 22) List of tissue layers of the digestive tract. 23) Structure(s) is/are innervated by sympathetic postganglionic fibers that are carried in spinal nerves 24) During childbirth might be given anesthesia in what
area? 25) What nerve(s) carries sympathetic fibers that increase heart rate and force of contraction? 26) What structure may become inflamed and infected, and may burst resulting in peritonitis? 27) What part of the brain is especially important in triggering a feeling of fear? 28) Which nerve carries parasympathetic fiber to the parotid salivary gland? 29) Outside of the CNS where somas of sensory neurons 30) The brain and spinal cord location and make up. 31) Characterized by long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers. 32) The nerve that supplies muscles of the posterior arm and forearm 33) What structure is supplied by postganglionic fibers originating in the superior mesenteric ganglion? 34) Which part of the nervous system is responsible for maintaining day to day, restful activities? 35) Which of these is the site of contact digestion? 36) Which part of the nervous system would control the movement of your hand as you take notes during an anatomy lecture? 37) Which part of the spinal cord contains somas of somatic motor neurons? 38) Muscles supplied by the femoral nerve 39) Which plexus gives rise to nerves that supply the hamstring muscles? 40) What specific area of the brain is associated with speech 41) Fibers to the urinary bladder for control 42) Which nerve carries over 90% of parasympathetic fibers? 43) What are Peyer patches, and where are they located? 44) What is found in the central canal of the spinal cord? 45) The cauda equine is located and important for? 46) Which plexus contains nerves that supply the upper limb? 47) Which plexus gives rise to the sciatic nerve?