
How Does Civil Disobedience Positively Or Negatively Affect Society

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How Does Civil Disobedience Positively Or Negatively Affect Society
Civil disobedience. This is one of America's greatest pressing issues of today. However, this practice has been involved in our history for many years. The big question is, Does civil disobedience positively or negatively impact our society? Well, I believe there has been a significant amount of negative damage caused from this practice. The idea of peacefully resisting rules we do not agree with sounds nice, until things get violent or taken advantage of. Resistance to follow the rules is not okay in many different situations. Young children must listen to their parents, employees must listen to their bosses, and the American people must listen to laws. We all have different types of guidelines and boundaries. At the same time, we all have different beliefs and ideas. So what should you do if your beliefs differ from that of your authority figures? I believe you can do many different things to make a difference, without breaking the rules. Their are always other ways to handle differences. Peaceful protest can be something positive, until the civil disobedience comes into play. It is perfectly legal to express your opinion to make your voice be heard. Once things go beyond that …show more content…
I respect those Women for standing up for what they believe in. However, once that line is crossed and the law is neglected, it becomes a dangerous situation. If no one followed the laws, we would lose all control and safety in our country. Laws and ideas are taken into effect for a reason, and no matter what your stance is, you need to respectfully follow. Peacefully making a stance means that you need to follow the rules while you attempt to convince a change. As another example, if a teenager does not want to follow his parents rules just because he has different ideas, is that okay? Of course not. If the parents intentions are pure and in the best interest of their child, the child needs to respectfully follow the

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