How does Crary’s theory of visuality compare to the concept of hyperrealism of Baudrillard
I will begin by describing Crary’s theory of visuality, focusing on the development of visuality and construction of new technologies like scopes, which helped reorganize our understanding of vision. I will then show how those points contrast or compare to Buadrillard’s concept of hyperrealism and its impact on the viewer.
The core of Crary’s theory of visuality comes from his book ‘Techniques of the Observer’. Within this book he poses a question, how did we develop our modern ideas of visuality? Crary explores how, at the end of the nineteenth century, there was a boom in realistic representation due to the impact of developments of impressionism and technological inventions like the camera, photography and cinema. He goes further back to the early nineteenth century however, to explain how ideas and inventions cultivated and changed the way we think about visuality now. Technological inventions such as the ‘phenakistiscope’ helped reorganise the historical construction of vision. Coming as it did at the height of the industrial revolution, this and similar inventions contributed to the way in which the individual perceived the world. Until this point images had been still, fixed and largely perspectival. He also states that it is important “that these central components of nineteenth-century ‘realism,’ of mass visual culture, preceded the invention of photography and in no way required photographic procedures or even the development of mass production techniques” (Jonathan Crary, 1990, p. 16-17). The phenakistiscope was an early
Bibliography: Baudrillard, Jean (1981) Simulacra and Simulation. University of Michigan Press Crary, Jonathan (1990). Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Deleuze, Gilles (1969) The Logic of Sense. Les Éditions de Minuit Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: