Fossils are past living remain organism that left behind and this help to define what organism are they and estimates the age of the fossils. Homologous structures are similar in structure but have different function. One example is a human arm and a bird’s wing, they both do the same thing but they function differently. Analogous structure are part of the body that have similar function and they don't have similar structure or indicate shared ancestry. Vestigial structure are part of the body that don't play a major role to the organism. Scientists use these to prove that evolution exist and they can compare …show more content…
Variables The dependent variables is the prognathism, bipedalism, and the cranial capacity. The independent variable is the type of skull.
Use the ruler to measure the distance of opisthocranion opisthotonos in cm
Use the ruler to measure the distance of opisthocranion oracle in cm
Divide opisthocranion opisthotonos by opisthocranion oracle and multiply it by 100 to get the opisthion index.
To measure the maxillary angle, lay the skull parallel to the table and use the protractor to measure the angle of the skull jaw
Measure the height, width, and length of the skull by using the caliper to in cm
To find the cranial capacity, multiplying the length, width, and height
Copy data down
Table Bipedalism Prognathism Cranial