Change is unavoidable. Everyone goes through change in their lives. Change doesn’t have to be bad, it can be good too. Maybe you’re moving from your hometown and you feel bad but then you meet your very best friend and now you’re going to college and you and your best friend are roommates! In the short story “Flowers for Algernon”, Daniel keyes shows change by sending the character Charlie Gordon through a surgery that makes him smarter. He helps show the progression and change in Charlie by writing the story in Charlie’s point of view. By writing in his point of view he also helps set and show the mood in the story. Change can also tear people down, but it also teaches them to build themselves back up. Change helps people grow. This is shown in the story by showing the person's emotions. In this story, The character Charlie Gordon goes through change by experiencing a surgery that makes him temporarily smarter. He feels this change because he doesn’t get made fun of as much for his mental disability. In the story Charlie’s coworkers made fun of him for not being “smart”. When charlie goes through the surgery he ran tests and improved a lot! At one point Charlie says, “I beat Algernon! I dint even know I beat him until Burt the tester told me.”. He ended up being able …show more content…
to prove the scientists wrong on something and was made fun of less. The examples relate to the topic because it was change when Charlie became smarter. It was change when he improved on the tests and was able to beat Algernon at the race. To conclude this paragraph, you see how Charlie’s progress changed and how he progressed over time. His point of view helped the readers understand how he changed. When Charlie went through the surgery he became temporarily smarter. Then he started to back track back to his old self. He was able to prove this by something that happened to Algernon. In the story, Charlie was able to tell something was wrong because algernon got very sick and became less smart and acted like a normal rat again. Charlie ended up being able to tell that the same was going to happen to him. So he did research and found out the truth and told the scientists. Charlie changed by returning back to his old mental disability. He also changed by being able to be smart enough to prove the scientists wrong in their theory. To conclude this paragraph, you see how everyone experiences change.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Charlie experienced both kind of changes. All the ideas tie together because they all support the idea of change. Charlie’s changes went from good and then to bad. Not everything that changes is good. But on the other hand, Not everything is bad either. So, now you see in this story that everyone experiences change. This story relates to my topic because it shows good examples of good and bad change. Remember, Change is unavoidable and will always happen, but it's the way you choose to deal with it is what will make it good or
quote- “I beat Algernon! I dint even know I beat him until Burt the tester told me.” Page…. 6