At the beginning of the story, Charlie didn't understand anything and didn't know how to write. But then Charlie gets a scientific operation and with that operation he gets really smart. Charlie thought that he would never be smart because he couldn't learn anything. "I had a test today. I think I faled it. and I think that maybe now they wont use me."(348)Charlie thought they were not gonna use him because he is not smart. And before the operation Charlie couldn't beat Algernon, a little mice that had the same operation. And one day Charlie beat
At the beginning of the story, Charlie didn't understand anything and didn't know how to write. But then Charlie gets a scientific operation and with that operation he gets really smart. Charlie thought that he would never be smart because he couldn't learn anything. "I had a test today. I think I faled it. and I think that maybe now they wont use me."(348)Charlie thought they were not gonna use him because he is not smart. And before the operation Charlie couldn't beat Algernon, a little mice that had the same operation. And one day Charlie beat