As an example, while Charlie was out to eat with his teacher, Miss Kinnian who taught him and a group of other adults with disabilities he had said this in one of his reports, “I don’t understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian really is, she had brown eyes and feathery brown hair that comes to the top of her neck” (Keyes page 233). As said from that it is shown that because he had the surgery, he was able to see how Miss Kinnian really looked. This shows that because of the Surgery he was able to see how everything really was and to notice all of the details in …show more content…
One common argument some readers have throughout is that by having the surgery, Charlie had seen that the world could be very cruel in many ways, but I oppose this stating that even though he has faced many cruel times he has mostly had many beneficial times because of it. For instance, by having the surgery, Charlie was able to make more friends that were much more understanding of him and that didn’t bully him like his previous “friends” Joe and Frank. So as with that, others still oppose and say that he was better off without the surgery because with having the surgery when the effects of it wore off his I.Q. would be decreased less than what his original I.Q. was before the surgery. As that may be true while he had the effects of the surgery he was able to use it to his advantage by making a contribution to science by discovering the Algernon-Gordon effect which would be able to help future researchers on the topic of artificial intelligence and the human