The surgery showed the doctors that the surgery can be used on humans, but it has never been done before on humans. There were some side effects to Charlie's surgery. Therefore Charlie's doctors had to act ethically. The side effects were that Charlie would be smart for a little while, and act like a normal human being, but later in life Charlie would go back to being himself again. As …show more content…
The doctors had to make a big decision, if they did not give Charlie the surgery then he would probably never be smart. On the other hand if they did give him the surgery then he would be smart, but then eventually he would turn back to dumb. The surgery that the doctors gave Charlie should be given to other people around the world. The question people should ask them self's is "do I want to smart for a little bit, or never be smart at all." That’s the question Charlie had to ask himself. Even Charlie said “I don’t know what’s worse to not know what you are and be happy, or to become what you’ve always wanted to be, and feel alone.” He means that no matter what he did to himself people would never like