PREVENTION: Japanese ginkgo prevents age-related memory loss and this property is most commonly used today. It also seems that the lovers help healthy people in concentration and memorization. The benefit of using …show more content…
it is that people suffering from cerebral ischemia. Further research is needed to determine whether and by virtue of anti-coagulant properties, Japanese ginkgo biloba can also effectively prevent heart attacks and cerebral embolism. MAIN BENEFITS. The fact that Japanese ginkgo improves blood supply and brain oxygenation is particularly important for older people. whose arteries narrowed as a result of depositing on their walls atherosclerotic plaque. Probably a decrease in blood supply is the cause of Alzheimer's disease and memory loss as well as anxiety. headaches. depression. disorientation, tinnitus and dizziness. All this can remedy ginkgo japanese ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: Ginkgo improves circulation in limbs and reduces pain, cramps and weakness caused by arterial stenosis in the legs (intermittent claudication). There is evidence. It also improves circulation in people afflicted with Raynaud's disease and a rare autoimmune disease - scabies.
Some researchers also believe that because Japanese ginkgo improves blood supply in the eyes and ears, it can help treat macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease (the main cause of blindness) and certain diseases that cause hearing loss.
Other research is to assess whether ginkgo accelerates the convalescence of victims of congestion and traumatic brain injury and other conditions associated with damage to the cardiovascular system or nervous system. eg impotence, multiple sclerosis and diabetic neuropathy. Before using the extract from the ginkgo leaf, the Chinese used its fleshy seeds to treat asthma because they eliminate wheezing and other illnesses associated with this disease.
DOSAGE: Use preparations. These include ginkgo biloba extract or its concentrate (GBE). To improve memory and circulation: 120 mg of GBE per day divided into 2-3 doses. Alzheimer's disease, depression, tinnitus, dizziness, impotence and other illnesses caused by poor blood supply: 240 mg per day. METHOD OF USE: Before the ginkgo begins to work, it usually goes from 4 to 6 weeks, and sometimes even 3 months. Ginkgo biloba is considered to be harmless and can be used for a very long time at recommended doses. It is eaten during meals or between meals. No side effects have been reported in pregnant and breastfeeding