During the research of children of homelessness I found that being a child is difficult; but, it is even more difficult when your family is poor, and unsecure. Imbalances within the family can be difficult even without outside influences making it even more difficult. We as teachers see more than parents think we do; wemay notice that a child shows up dirty to class, or seems distracted all the time. This is when we as teachers need to find out what exactly is going on with our students and their family. As a teacher we need to discuss how we will deal with children who are struggling, how we as teachers will connect with families and the different strategies that can be used to support students and families within their learning environment. As I researched the why homelessness occurs I also found that these children are a byproduct of the life they were dealt whether by being a single parent, a fatherless home, immigrants or homeless with nowhere else to go. Knowing what we can do as Early Educators to help homeless children and their families has become very important in schools. In these synopses you will find some information that will give you a better understanding of homeless children and what we can do as educators to help them overcome this obstacle in their life…
Even though, the authors all portray lives in poverty they explain it in unique ways. Jeannette Walls describes her life in poverty; however, she also teaches life lessons throughout her memoir. For instance, when the Walls family moves to Welch, West Virginia the brick buildings are crowding in close on both sides of the street. Welch is shabby and worn out with a film of black coal dust covering store signs, sidewalks, and cars (Walls 134). Regardless the fact that the town is dirty and needs some improvements, the family is just happy to have somewhere to live end enjoy life together. On the contrary, Mark R. Rank also depicts lifestyles in poverty, yet he clarifies the causes and effects of poverty. To illustrate, he informs that events like losing jobs, having work hours cut back, experiencing a family split, or developing a serious medical problem all have the potential to throw households into poverty (Rank 2 of 3). In spite of the fact Mark R. Rank describes poverty stricken families, he does it in a contradictory way than Jeannette Walls. Furthermore, Jade Walker’s purpose of writing this report is to describe the deprived people’s living conditions, but also to encourage ways to improve homelessness. In particular, she says remedies for child homelessness should include: an expansion of affordable housing, education and employment opportunities for homeless parents, and…
People losing their jobs and houses going into foreclosure has contributed greatly to homelessness in families including children.…
In the book Homeless Families In America, Jonathan Kozol focuses on four important issues of poor children under six: Who they are, where they live, why they are poor, and the risks poor children face. The information presented pertains to children who live in houses and apartments because this is the population founded by household surveys. "According to three national studies homeless children aged 16 and under, somewhere 41,000 and 106,000 children are literally homeless at any given time" (36). Homeless meaning they live in shelters, churches, or public places with no permanent residence. "Between 39,000- 296,000 are precariously housed, meaning they live with either relatives or doubled up with friends" (38). Why are poor families with young children poor? It is believed that children are poor because their parents are poor. Child poverty can only be reduced by attacking the multiple causes of family poverty. "Children under the age of six with single mothers are much more likely to be poor than…
Children are vulnerable and need physical, mental, and emotional protection. When a family is poor or homeless, the family may have trouble meeting his or her needs.…
This research assessed the struggles of homeless children. The study compared the educational struggles of a random sampling of children living in stable environments to children who are considered “homeless.” Homeless refers to any child or youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The study revealed the number of homeless children is steadily increasing. However, despite the instability of a home life, a positive school environment for children and youth impacts their success as adults. It is recommended to promote community awareness regarding child…
Experiencing poverty does not only affect children and young people in the immediate term but also goes onto affect them into adulthood, in other words children and young people do not adapt to this living environment. Poverty shows its damage to Children or young people in different outcomes such as Education & Health.…
Poor housing: - Poor housing can be classed as cramped or of poor quality; this can start health issues in a child/young person. The area where the housing is situated may be in an underprivileged area where anti-social behaviour is a daily occurrence and this can cause families to become isolated.…
They are criticized for their living conditions, but are homeless people at fault for their situation? “Saving the Dreams of Homeless Kids” (Las Vegas Sun, January 15, 2016) by Delen Goldberg and Ian Whitaker and “Some People Choose to Be Homeless” (Creators.com, August 18, 2015) by Debra Saunders both present the issue of people who lack a home. Golberg and Whitaker discuss the situation of two kids who are either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless and the actions people are doing to help youth in need. Debra Saunders expresses that the destructive choices of people lead them to become homeless. In both articles the authors use tone, paragraph organization, and sentence structure to present two contrasting sides of the homelessness…
Living in a poor house conditions will increase the risk of severe ill-health or disability. Living in poor or overcrowded housing conditions also affects a child’s ability to learn, which can have a lot of effect on a child’s chances of succeeding in life.…
poverty – affects children in many ways: poor diet affects growth, behaviour and development; poor housing – health and play opportunities; education – lack of opportunities; poverty leads to low expectation and lack of…
Homelessness has a serious impact on both the young people affected and the wider society.…
Children from a poor area or deprived background could be affected in many ways; environmental, economic situation and health factors can all be linked.…
“Nearly 6.5 million young Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 are not in school or the work force.” (Emmons) Sadly every year there are millions of children experiencing homelessness, these children are living in cars, shelters, and abandoned buildings. (Doorways for Women…) Being homeless causes these children to relocate constantly, which results in being pulled out of school and away from their peers. Children are more than likely to become homeless after being physically abused, sexually assaulted, or by family circumstances of financial troubles. In order to survive on the streets young teens are more likely to turn to drug dealing or exchanging sex for food, clothing and shelter. Today’s society has become oblivious to what has been occurring on the streets with these teens. They see no use in helping homeless youth due to the knowledge of homeless people taking money or help for granted. American society today does not understand the hardships homeless youth go through to survive living on the streets: like not having the work experience to get a job, not having the education needed to move further in life, learning and growing up with the influences of the streets and health issues. Parts of society have ignored and mocked the uprising issues of homelessness in youth. They choose not to offer help based on the stereotyping of homeless people. Homeless people are see as very sly, only using the money they are given for drugs and other usages not benefiting them. Society views teens crashing at a peers house as a temporary thing until it becomes a financial consequence.…
A child’s nutritional status is directly affected by homelessness due to the lack of nutritional options at an affordable price which results in children who eat what they can when they can to try to satisfy their hunger. Low socioeconomic status increases a child’s likelihood of being homeless. Also, inadequate income lessens the likelihood that a homeless…