Why does James say that it has been a “short” two weeks while Kate says it has been “interminable”?
James says that it has been a short two weeks because he has enjoyed the absence of Kate in the Keller homestead. They say time flies by when one is enjoying oneself. The absence of Helen means that the house has been quiet, and without ruckus, and so he has lived in this span of time in great pleasure and content. This is expressed through “I never thought life could be noiseless.” Kate, on the other hand, loves Helen and cannot bear her separation. She says that the span of time that Helen has been away from her is interminable; she enjoys the liveliness that her daughter brings to her life (the noise, …show more content…
How does Helen change in physical appearance during the two weeks?
Helen’s change in physical appearance is one in which a child that’s often in ruined, tattered, and soiled clothes, to one in which she is “neat, and clean as a button.” She has transformed from a child in tatters, into one that is neat, clean, and attractive.
Why do you think James asks Kate to be his friend? Is this in character? What do James and Keller want from each other?
I think James asks Kate to be his friend because it symbolizes the end of their conflict. James finally admits that it is neither Kate nor Helen that his been his cause of torment. It is his father. Once Helen will be cured, his one scapegoat will also be taken from him. He doesn’t want to remain in the isolation that he is currently under - no one seems to be concerned about him. I believe that James remains in his character when he says this because it seems, at times, that he is jealous of the people whom garner his father’s attention. He doesn’t really hate them. He just uses them as tools to blame for his own problems. He has just admitted that to Kate; nothing more. Both James and Keller desire respect from one another. James wants to know why his father has forgotten all about his deceased mother and him. Keller desires respect and obedience from