“In the center, the pale light filtering through the window” (8).
At first I thought the dad was hurting the mom because she was crying. Then I realized he was holding the razor in, there were clumps of hair on the floor, and she was bald. I think this is a good example of visual imagery. I also think that this is an intense scene in the chapter.
“I don’t know”…and bandaged his hand” (11).
I like this because it shows that the father cares for Alex. It shows that he is not mad at Alex’s reaction. I think that this is good characterization, but I don’t think a dad wouldn’t get mad at what he did. I know that my dad would yell at me if I did that to my room, so it left me kind of confused as to why he did that
“He counted his money…minutes before” (33).
This shows that Alex is a pushover. For some reason, he can’t say no to Morgana. I think it is because he is scared to look like a coward in front of her. Because he is scared, Morgana ends up taking advantage of him and steals his stuff.
“But she waited until he fell asleep and then put a couple of blankets over him” (47).
I love this sentence because it shows that Kate actually does care for her grandson. This is my favorite sentence in chapter three because it shows that she has to act like she doesn’t care about him. I think it’s because she is scared to be embarrassed by her grandson. What Kate doesn’t know is that Alex loves her too; if she knew this she wouldn’t have to be so harsh and act so tough in front of him.
“For hours and hours, they had been seeing an endless expanse of forest, all the same intense green, cut through by river like shining serpents” (48).
I like this sentence because it is full of visual imagery. It also has a beautiful simile in it. I like the simile because I have seen a river look like a snake from high up. I can only imagine how bored they must be, traveling for hours and hours, looking out the window always to see the same