The assumption of ‘White Guilt” and the privileges of “Whiteness” have helped me more in focusing my attention to the theatrics of the “Tea Party”. It has made me more aware of the fear attached to new laws implicated in many states which are considered “ Red “or Republican states run from Governorship to federal appointed senators and Congressional representatives. Their fears of the changing racial demographics of the country to more minority majority has fostered voting laws more reminisced to the ages of the southern “Jim Crow Laws”. Jim Crow laws prevented Blacks and minorities from voting due to “poll taxes, literacy test, vouchers of good character, and disqualification for “crime of moral turpitude”. (The United States Department of Justice, 2013) Today many states have in acted laws reminiscent to the past, over “felony convictions restrict 13% of the country’s black male population from voting” nonviolent offenses brand someone a felon”, “prompting critics to portray felon disenfranchisement as heir to the voter-suppression tactics of the Jim Crow era.” (Knafo, 07/2) “Thirty four states have in acted strict voter ID Laws “that affect minorities as well as the poor, college students and the elderly who, most likely …show more content…
if the last national election shows, vote Democratic. (National Conferences of State Legislation, 2013) Most States passed these laws after the first election of President Obama, and his seconded election win.
These laws have helped me in reintroducing myself to my racial and cultural history in America. My multicultural makeup of diverse ethnicities have always in some matter been discriminated and persecuted has only made me stronger in my pursuit of equality for all. I have learned that all sects of Americans have somewhat faced some form of injustice while defending their rights at true citizenship as an American.
The U.S population of 2050 prediction of the changing demographics could be an indicator of why many states are turning back the reforms which enforced equality and equal rights. A “report from the Pew Research Center projects that immigration will propel the U.S. population total to 438 million by 2050, from 303 million today. Along with this growth, the racial and ethnic profile of Americans will continue to shift-with non-Hispanic Whites losing their majority class,” (Haub, Feb ) Even though the fear of losing the majority is no true indicator of losing one’s hold on power the laws enacted only enforce the fear. The events of having a two time Non-white President elected only has escalated the fear of losing the “white privilege” associated with the majority of today. (Clark, 2013)
The challenges that the United States faces due to the diversity of its people is try to and prevent laws and acts of discrimination in trying to hold on to the statist quo. We as Americans need to adapt to the changing demographics in a better way. We need to let loose of the perceptions of what America was and deal with what America is and will be. We are all in some ways a immigrant, are sleeves and need to hold on to are cultures as well as embrace others and in turn make our own new mixture of Americans. We should see ourselves not as minorities, majorities, rich, or poor, but begin to see each other as equals.
The benefits of such diverse society have been always new innovation. Brighter ideas combined from the old and new to refine not only industry but also education. With a diverse society, you gain more knowledge of other cultures you will have to deal with in the global market of government and commerce. We will also see a new and richer source of food, cultural parades, festivals and entertainment which will in rich ones well being and foster more understandings of cultures of individual ethnic groups.
To foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism, we need to give new immigrants the tools to succeed as well as stop focusing on are differences and focus on what are similarities are. We all want and education, security, and means to support are selves and are families. Like the immigrants of the past the new Hispanic minority groups have not only flourished but have also assimilated in to society. “U.S.-born Hispanics have rapidly moved into the middle class. The earnings of Mexican –American men are now roughly 80% of those of non-Hispanic white men. The overwhelming majority of U.S born Hispanics is English-dominant, and one half of all third generation Mexican-Americans-like most other American ethnics speak only one language: English.” (Chavez, Jan/) To foster a climate of acceptance we, need to look at the real data which is like ever immigrant that has graced America’s shores the next generation have preserved their culture at the same time that they have fostered the culture of America.
The media due to its consistent need to grab attention for ratings and livelihood have used the stereotyping and prejudices of different races to attain audiences and revenue dollars. Yet, the consumer of is at fault too, they forget that most media is for entertainment, which is noted in small print before most programs. One example is the old show’s “ Sanford and Son’ where you see an old black man who runs a junk yard and always uses the word cracker when talking about a white person who he does not agree with. Another show which takes the opposite approach to “All in the Family” was racist yet it used its racist moments to teach or preach that stereotypes are mostly non-founded. Yet, today you still see many shows that portray blacks and Hispanic families as dysfunctional, with single parent. One TV show that shows “ Shameless “ shows an Irish family that is totally dysfunctional, druggie father and gay druggy mother that reflects a large portion of the real America that the media tries to portray on minorities that are in ever section of Americas racial makeup.
Then you have the so called news where every directed toward the minorities of society is broad cast.
From news paper to TV news show any crime committed by a minority is broadcasted with their name and picture. Even though the same crimes committed by the majority of Americans at the same time is not broadcast so dramatically nor emphasized by their race. Point explained the Boston Marathon bomber labeled terrorist, due to most likely being of Muslim faith. The mail box bomber Luke Helder was not labeled a terrorist but was prosecuted as if mental unstable. One individual who was Muslim and not considered White equals terrorist and the so called Christen White male equals mentally ill, double standard same
Yet the media does help in fostering diversity by presenting programs that seem to pull society together after manmade disasters. In point the Boston Marathon bombing had many Muslim from different cities in America who condemned the bombing and attackers. As should be right because Islam did not execute the atrocity an individual executed the attack along with his sibling.
Individuals in America can bring the destruction or reduction of prejudice and increase the appreciation of diversity by doing one thing look in to oneself, an if you feel that you deserve the stigma and haltered that is inflicted towards another then do nothing, but if you feel that it is wrong then do something to change it, learn the true nature of your kindred. As for myself I do not believe I have to change a thing because I believe in true freedom for all. I see any person as an equal no matter their gender, sexuality or ethnicity. I am an agnostic- humanistic who thinks for himself and for I do not fear death and the unknown and I do not care what one does with in their bedroom. I truly believe in the individual, how they treat me within are daily interactions and no more or no less.
Chavez, L. (Jan/Feb 1993). Fostering Appreciation for Cultural Diversity: Recognizing America 's Changing Complexion. Retrieved from
Clark, K. (2013). Retrieved from
Haub, C. (Feb 2008). Popular Reference Bureau. Retrieved from
Knafo, S. (07/25/2013). Voting Rights Of Black Americans Tramped By " New Jim Crow ' Civil Rights Advocates Say. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost/2013/07/25/black-america-2013_n_3647789.html
National Conferences of State Legislation. (2013). Voter Identification Requirements. Retrieved from
The United States Department of Justice. (2013). Before the Voting Rights Act. Retrieved from