Language, like any other cultural entity, can change over time. Languages have been created out of necessity, blossomed, and have been snuffed out throughout history. But, why would something as seemingly strong as language die? It can be argued that “when a civilization disintegrates, so does its language since language is the medium that purveys the values of that civilization. As the culture evolves, so does its language” Iraki, 2005, p.5). Latin is a perfect example of a language that was altered heavily due to outside forces.
All can agree that societies take the responsibility of passing down our language to future generations seriously. With the rise of powerful societies, however, less developed and weaker societies were …show more content…
Sadly, this practice and responsibility of presenting a more dominant language over another oftentimes falls on the education system. For example, Fishman (1977) argues that “for language to spread, schools have long been the major formal mechanism involved.” In other words, languages that are given the medium of instruction in schools tend replace languages that are not used.
Another way that languages are often lost occurs through assimilation when one immigrates to another culture. With the loss of support, speakers tend to turn away from their first language in order to survive within their new world. We still see this transition today as more multicultural students enter our classrooms every year. While most school districts hold firm to the English-only model, there are many school systems who have adapted their way of looking at language instruction by incorporating a multi-lingual …show more content…
Of the many ambiguities that cultures exhibit, some will always remain controversial: religious practices, gender roles, familial ties and obligations, freedoms, and socio-economic contingencies. One determining factor, however, will always remain a decisive and constant intrinsic means of cultural expression: the importance of language. Culture is a product of mankind, and it is defined, created and sustained through language. The relation between language and culture is undeniably synergetic. Whether it be a traditional language with both spoken and written aspects, a pictorial language like hieroglyphics, or an expressive language like ASL, a culture's mode of communication remains its way unique way of passing on beliefs, traditions, history, and knowledge. A culture’s language is their inherent connection to their roots and ties us to our ancestors and familial lands. Oftentimes, language is the only physical remnant that a culture has to represent its past. “Language then may indeed be the most explosive issue universally. This mainly because language alone, unlike all other concerns assosicated with nationalism and ethnocentrism, is so closely tied to the individual self” (Ginnsburgh, 2011,