English IV
26 October 2013
How Does Living In A Single Parent Household Affect The Child? How does a single parent household affect a child’s wellbeing? This is a question asked by many in today’s society. For the past decades, society indicated that in order for a child to acquire a successful household, it must consist of a mother and a father. It was said in order for a child to be accomplishing, he or she must have the presence of both parents, but times have changed. The present-day society is much different from the past. Single parent households usually are caused by separation, death, …show more content…
First of all, divorce is almost always stressful for children. Most children do not want their parents to separate (unless the marriage was full of intense conflict and anger or other sources of misery not suitable for children). Divorce also can strain parent-child relationships, lead to lost contact with one parent, create economic hardships, and increase conflict between parents. Second, divorce clearly increases the risk that children will suffer from psychological and behavioral problems. Troubled children are particularly likely to develop problems with anger, disobedience, and rule violations. School achievement also can suffer. Other children become sad for long periods of time. They may become depressed, anxious, or become perhaps overly responsible kids who end up caring for their parents instead of getting cared for by them. Third the great majority of children whose parents divorce do not develop these kinds of serious behavioral or emotional problems. Most children from divorced families are resilient, especially when their parents do a reasonably good job managing the stress of divorce. These children feel and function pretty much like kids whose parents are