Macbeth was a greedy jealous and unhappy with his life. He was extremely vulnerable to pressure. Shakespeare plays managed to accurately depict many truths about the human race; now days many in modern society fit the profile of Macbeth in one sense or another. As we can see nature hasn’t changed since the Elizabeth Era. Themes such as guilt, shame, anxiety, fear, trauma, mental illness, psychological vulnerability, envy, infirmity, manipulation, greed ad murder are still herein the 21st century.
Macbeth also wished to be king and she became exceedingly jealous and included happiness. Duncan Macbeth desires were impossible, Macbeth was ambitious, but with the influence of the three witches and his power. He became greedy and thoughtless. Realizing his dreams could easily come to life in reality, with courage from his wife. Murdering him whilst in a lay of slumber, thus allowing him to take his place as King of