Next thing you know Pip is threatened to help the convict and also give him a file. The convict was striking Pip, ¨You get me the file! You get the wittles¨(676). When he came back with what he had asked for, the convict Magwitch was inspired to help Pip. Therefore he went through the danger to help Pip and make him a gentleman. Although Pip didn't assume that Magwitch was his benefactor, he believed it to be Miss Havisham. Since he had been loyal to her all these years. When he introduced himself to being Pip's benefactor, he was shocked. He hated himself and for Magwitch being his benefactor. He was embarrassed that a ¨convict¨ had made him into gentlemen. Magwitch had told Pip that, ¨Caution is necessary¨(749). If Magwitch was to be caught in London, he could be sentenced to life. They had to be cautious since people were following them. After a while, Pip cared for him and said, ¨I little supposed my heart could ever be as heavy and anxious at parting from him as it was now¨(764) Pip now has deep feelings for Magwitch and appreciates him. Although they didn't have a great start in the beginning, Magwitch became one of Pip's best
Next thing you know Pip is threatened to help the convict and also give him a file. The convict was striking Pip, ¨You get me the file! You get the wittles¨(676). When he came back with what he had asked for, the convict Magwitch was inspired to help Pip. Therefore he went through the danger to help Pip and make him a gentleman. Although Pip didn't assume that Magwitch was his benefactor, he believed it to be Miss Havisham. Since he had been loyal to her all these years. When he introduced himself to being Pip's benefactor, he was shocked. He hated himself and for Magwitch being his benefactor. He was embarrassed that a ¨convict¨ had made him into gentlemen. Magwitch had told Pip that, ¨Caution is necessary¨(749). If Magwitch was to be caught in London, he could be sentenced to life. They had to be cautious since people were following them. After a while, Pip cared for him and said, ¨I little supposed my heart could ever be as heavy and anxious at parting from him as it was now¨(764) Pip now has deep feelings for Magwitch and appreciates him. Although they didn't have a great start in the beginning, Magwitch became one of Pip's best