
How Does Media Affect Body Image?

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How Does Media Affect Body Image?
Our bodies are what make us who we are ass people. Every person has something specific about them that make them stand out as a human being. If everyone goes around changing everything about them to become the “perfect person” then the individuality of one person would eventually disappear. A society has created the perfect person and idolizes the “perfect body” and expects everyone to look like that. People should take pride in the way they look, because no one looks exactly like you. Not just outer beauty, but everyone’s inner beauty is different as well. Body image is how people see themselves and how they think other people see them. It’s also how you feel about your body and how you imagine, portray and emotionally feel about your body. Media shapes and influences how the public sees things. They influence everyone opinions, but we abuse the media’s hurtful thoughts …show more content…
For example, a man or a woman that thinks they’re overweight can resort to, as they think the only solution, eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia. Bulimia is an eating disorder from mental insecurities. This disorder results in lots of exercise, laxatives and throwing up which causes the body to become short on electrolytes. Anorexia is an eating disorder where someone loses lots of weight from eating barely anything and/or vomiting the small amount of food they actually eat. Some men who don’t think they’re muscular enough may take harmful steroids to build muscle; this could actual cause danger to their health. The athletes using steroids to become like the athletic people they see in the media can cause brain cancer and stunted growth. Some girl teenagers use them to, because it can be compared to dieting pills and laxatives. The drugs are actually just wrong advertising to a teenager. All they want it to look like the popular athletes they see in different media

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