Throughout the 2016 year Nicole has willingly accepted assignments and will assist others in the work unit. Case specific, Nicole was asked by her supervisor to complete a courtesy F2F visit for another APCW who was out of the office on leave. Nicole willingly accepted the task completed the F2F and documented the information in case compass. Nicole makes arrangements for events when away from the office, to ensure any problems or emergencies or handled per policy and procedure. Nicole has met most if not all the stated objectives for this job component. Throughout the 2016 year Nicole has handled complaints from clients, and providers as necessary. Throughout 2016 Nicole has informed supervisor of provider issues, client complaints, and complex cases. Nicole has met most of the objectives for this job
Throughout the 2016 year Nicole has willingly accepted assignments and will assist others in the work unit. Case specific, Nicole was asked by her supervisor to complete a courtesy F2F visit for another APCW who was out of the office on leave. Nicole willingly accepted the task completed the F2F and documented the information in case compass. Nicole makes arrangements for events when away from the office, to ensure any problems or emergencies or handled per policy and procedure. Nicole has met most if not all the stated objectives for this job component. Throughout the 2016 year Nicole has handled complaints from clients, and providers as necessary. Throughout 2016 Nicole has informed supervisor of provider issues, client complaints, and complex cases. Nicole has met most of the objectives for this job