In the beginning of one’s childhood, there are various aspects a child picks up. Many children do start with their parents beliefs and their influences. The idea of having the same beliefs and influences coming from a specific individual is never the best idea. Everyone must be open minded of the one’s around them. It is not acceptable to be closed minded towards differences. Octavia Butler most definitely uses Rufus Weylin in the novel, Kindred to show how closed minded a child can become through his whole life. Everything Rufus picked up was from mainly his father, Mr. Weylin. If only Rufus did not pick up all the bad influences from society and his father. In Kindred, Octavia Butler uses Rufus Weylin’s childhood and adulthood to portray that prejudice is learned from society and parental views.
From the second time Rufus and Dana met, he already begins to use offensive words as he was speaking. Even though he has no clue what these words mean, he uses them carelessly while speaking to Dana, “Just a strange nigger” (25). Rufus says this to Dana after she explains who and why …show more content…
As she ran into the woods to hide, Rufus and his father found her right away. Rufus had been the one to find Dana as soon as he heard a noise in the woods. When Rufus finally got ahold of Dana, he punishes her by making his father whip her to unbearable pain. As Dana awakes the next morning, she thought, “See how easily slaves are made?” (173-177). Rufus did not care that it was Dana who escaped, he still punished. Even though Rufus cared for Dana, he still made her father whip her because she was still considered a slave. Rufus also did not mind hurting Dana because she deserved it and he was raised to believe black people should be punished for everything they do wrong. Rufus shows prejudice by easily beating Kindred for escaping and showing no