
How Does Orwell Use Language In 1984

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How Does Orwell Use Language In 1984
George Orwell portrays that rhetoric and language have the capability to control the population; “For one thing, Orwell's entire story is predicated on a bleak and soulless view of humanity” (Scaliger 1). This is basically telling people to stay where they are living due to the nation that are growing less confident for what they believe in and for what feels right; both in real life and in the novel, suppose that a tragedy can occur that would appear on the news, which illustrates for the people who do watch the news and those who think that everything on the news is not false. In addition that people really do not have a concept of what happens in the real world although the propaganda makes people believe that they know what goes on out …show more content…
Loyalty is solely a human virtue, although this virtue to a nation can sometimes request too much; “But Orwell implies that totalitarianism demands complete loyalty, no reservations being allowed, and continuous enthusiasm, not just occasional conformity (Crick 2). The idea of Newspeak is made to govern the society’s beliefs through regulating their form due to appearance as Syme clarifies. "But if there was hope, it lay in the proles. You had to cling on to that. When you put it in words it sounded reasonable: it was when you looked at the human beings passing you on the street that it became an act of faith (Crick 3). Newspeak is a made-up language that needed to be used as a member’s native language. If people give doubt or thought in language it could be corrupt, then if it were reversed such as language would have the same possibility to corrupt thought as a result to keep information away from the people; “These low-level journalistic jobs, they intimate, never gave him access to classified information” (Goodman). The government is only digging a bigger hole of propaganda and utopia, which makes the people so naïve that there is nothing to worry, in response to only worrying about the taxes in addition to happiness for there family that matters to people the

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