In act one Priestly presents Shelia Birling using a variety of techniques. Firstly, during the beginning of the act, Priestly uses stage directions to present Sheila as a half-joking character with the stage direction ‘[half serious, half playful]’ to show that although the conversation may be sincere she beings a lightness to the atmosphere. In addition, another stage direction ‘[mocking aggressions]’ also indicates this half-joking, half-genuine characteristic and shows that Sheila adds the humour and sarcasm to the conversation in to room to insure it don’t become too firm. However, towards the ending of the act Sheila hears about the girl’s death which causes her ‘mocking’ side to disintegrates and the stage directions change to ‘[distressed]’ and ‘[agitated]’to show that this girls horrible death has touched Sheila and she concerned about the outcome of the investigation.
Secondly, during the onset of the act Priestly also used speech to present Sheila as a possessive character, especially when Gerald proposes to her and she says referring to the ring “Careful! I’ll never let it go out of my sight for an instant” this show how excited Shelia is with the ring and how she’ll never be without it, some would say that she’s focusing all of her attention on the ring instead of her fiancé, which further show how women were perceived as going for the men with wealth. Furthermore, Priestly also uses speech to present Sheila’s concern about the women’s death when she says “It’s just that I can’t help thinking about this girl - destroying herself so horribly” this show she’s distort about the circumstances of the death. Additionally, towards the end of the act you get a sense that she feels guilty for the women’s death. For example, “So I’m really responsible”, this indicate that she feels that her acts have accounted for the death.
Moreover, Priestly also uses the way the other characters interacted with Sheila