Joseline Cedillo
Gateway Community College
Protazen is a brand of natural supplements used to help improve sleep, energy, focus and mood. However, I will use the scientific method to prove if these claims are correct since protazen is pseudoscience. The scientific method is how psychologists gain knowledge about mind and behavior. It can all be summarized in five steps: observing some phenomenon, formulating a hypothesis, testing through empirical research, drawing conclusions and evaluating conclusions. (King, 2013) A hypothesis is a testable prediction that comes from within a theory. In this experiment my hypothesis will be that protazen improves sleep. According to (2004-2011), protazen supports relaxation at night in order to induce a normal sleep. Therefore, in this experiment there has to be an independent and dependent variable. The …show more content…
An experimental group is the group that will receive the protazen pill. This group is the one that will experience manipulation. On the other hand, the control group serves as a baseline for comparison; therefore, this group will receive a placebo pill. The placebo pill is an affect where participants will experience no physiological affect. The subjects in this experiment will be chosen by random assignment, so that every subject in the study has an equal chance of being placed in either the experimental or the control group. By choosing randomization it will help avoid false results. To avoid bias results in the experiment there will also exist the double-blind affect. This is an experimental design where neither the experimenter, nor the participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental or the control groups until results are calculated. This allows researchers to identify the specific effects of the independent variable, avoiding experimenter