*Goals of psychology: 1. Description of behaviors- classifying & labeling behavior, 2. Understanding-Understanding the causes and why they occur, 3. Prediction-Accurately saying what may say in the future, 4 Control-Altering conditions to positively influence behavior., psychology-the scientific study of behavior and mental processes-behavior(Overt) & mental processes (covert), many research projects in psych begin with observations in real life
*Pseudopsychology-Any unfounded “system” that resembles psychology and is not based off of scientific testing, types: palmistry-lines on your hands predict future and reveal personality, phrenology-personality traits revealed by shape of skull, fallacy of positive instances, graphology-personality traits are revealed by your handwriting, astrology-the positions of the stars and planets at birth determine personality traits and affect your behavior, 3 reasons people believe- critical acceptance, fallacy of positive instances (hold on to the true ones), Barnem effect (being very general)
*Experiments-to identify cause and effect relationships, we conduct experiments, variables: indent. Var.- the difference in experience between the experimental and control groups, dep vari-the measurement of the effect of the difference of experience b/t the experimental and control group, experimental group-the group of participants that gets exposed to the independent variable, control group-the group of participants that gets all conditions except that independent variable (allows for comparison), random assignment-participants has an equal chance for being in either the experimental or control group (it controls for bias), single-blind exper-only the participants so not know whether they get real treatment or placebo, double-blind exper-the participants and the experimenters do not know whether the participants gets the real treatments or placebo (best type of experiment), two key ingredients for a true experiment includes