- Issues regarding racial differences and this is a construction because it is socially constructed not biological.
4. What are some cohort differences between you and you parents?
- Some cohort differences between my parents and I are our differences in terms of fashion, knowledge of modern technology , and the colloquial words we use when talking.
2. How would your life be different if your parents were much higher or lower in SES than they are now?
- My life would be different if my parents SES income increased or decreased by changes having to become in my lifestyle whether it be assuming more responsibility, having more money to enjoy leisure activities, budgeting my expenses, or having my college expenses paid for.
2. How might a psychoanalytic theorist interpret a childhood experience such as the arrival of a new sibling?
- A psychoanalytic theorist might possibly interpret the occurrence as an decision that resulted from an underlying desire that has the potential to affect development in later years.
4. According to behaviorism why might some teenagers begin smoking cigarettes?
-According to behaviorism the teenagers might have learned similar behaviors in childhood that were not unlearned or reversed.
8. How might the sociocultural theory explain how students behave in class?
- Their behavior in class is shaped by their culture and influenced by social forces
11. Why are most developmentalist said to be eclectic?
- Most developmentalist are said to eclectic because the develop mentalist draw upon many theories.
2. Behaviorism has been used to change personal habits. Think of a habit you’d like to change ( e.g stop smoking, exercise more, watch less tv). Count the frequency of that behavior for a week.
-The behavior has occurred three times this week ( exercising).
2. How might stress hormones affect later development?