Pg 565
Chapter 14: Personality
Psychodynamic Theory
Be familiar with how the Id, Ego, & Superego are said to keep balance. Know what principles each work under and why they often have conflicts
Id- the unconscious portion of personality that contains basic impulses and urges. Here in the id exists the eros, life instincts(these promote positive energy or libido), and also the death instincts, or Thantos responsible for aggression and destructiveness. The id wants to operate by the pleasure principle, so do whatever for pleasure against societal rules. Fatty going ID to the burger king.
Ego- the part of the personality that mediates conflicts between and among the demands of the d, the superego, and the real world. Develops from id and acts as the reality principle makes compromises between the wants and reasonable capabilities. This one finds a way for people to get what they want in the real world.
Superego- the component of personality that tells people what they should and should not do. This is what develops last and becomes our moral guide. Tells us what we should and should not do.
Psychodynamic conflicts: this is the conflict between the three personality components. Our personality is supposed to be shaped by the number, nature and outcome of these conflicts. So ego will block the guilt that we would feel from making socially unacceptable action because of the Id, or thought about violating superego’s rules.
Be able to differentiate and give examples of Freud’s defense mechanisms
Repression- unconsciously pushing away bad memories, urges, or ideas from conscious awareness. Ex. A person loses memory from bad event. Shutter island
Rationalization-making mistakes seem reasonable. Ex. I spank my children cause its good for them. But actually you are just really mad about work.
Projection- unconsciously placing one owns unacceptable thoughts on someone else. Ex. Instead of thinking I hate him the person states “ he hates me”