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MyPsychLab for Wood, World of Psychology, 7e
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World of Psychology, 7/e
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Chapters > Chapter 5: Learning > Pre-Test
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March 29, 2012 at 3:10 AM (UTC/GMT)
Overall Score: 24% of 25 questions
Classical Conditioning: The Original View
3 of 10
No; See pages 151-156
Classical Conditioning: The Contemporary View
1 of 1
Operant Conditioning
2 of 11
No; See pages 161-174
Cognitive Learning
0 of 3
No; See pages 175-181
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With which of the following is Ivan Pavlov most closely associated?
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classical conditioning
It is important to remember that classical conditioning pairs a(n) __________ with a natural reflex-producing stimulus.
Your Answer:
neutral stimulus
A(n) _____________ is the learned response that comes to be elicited by a conditioned stimulus as a result of its repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus.
Your Answer:
conditioned stimulus
Correct Answer:
conditioned response See page 153.
Suppose Mary is trying to get her son to stop playing in a busy street through extinction. Will extinction achieve her goal?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
It could, but it is not a wise idea to do so given the dangerous situation in question. See page 154.
In classical conditioning, _______________ is the learned ability to distinguish between similar stimuli so that the conditioned response occurs only to the original conditioned stimulus, not to similar stimuli.
Your Answer:
spontaneous recovery
Correct Answer:
discrimination See page 155.
Pavlov discovered that after a rest period, his dogs would elicit the conditioned response after it had gone extinct. He termed this
Your Answer:
spontaneous conditioning.
Correct Answer:
spontaneous recovery. See page 155.
When a conditioned response has been weakened in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus, the result is termed
Your Answer:
Extinction is
Your Answer:
elicitation of a CR to stimuli that are similar to but not identical to the CS.
Correct Answer:
the gradual reduction and eventual elimination of the CR after a CS is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). See page 155.
Pavlov demonstrated ___________________ when he taught dogs to respond to one tone but not the other.
Your Answer:
stimulus generalization
Correct Answer:
stimulus discrimination See page 155.
Why would Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert probably not be performed today?
Your Answer:
Inducing a phobia-like condition in an infant would be considered unethical.
An important factor in conditioning is whether or not the conditioned stimulus provides information that enables the organism to reliably __________ the occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus.
Your Answer:
__________ established the law of effect, which asserts that if a stimulus followed by a behavior results in a reward, the stimulus is more likely to elicit the behavior in the future.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Thorndike See page 161.
In operant conditioning, ______________ is the tendency to make the learned response to a stimulus similar to that for which the response was originally reinforced.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
generalization See page 163.
In operant conditioning, extinction occurs when reinforcement is
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
withheld. See page 163.
Which of the following is NOT a secondary reinforcer?
Your Answer:
_______________ is a pattern of reinforcement in which some, but not all, correct responses are reinforced.
Your Answer:
Partial reinforcement
Punishment and negative reinforcement are used to produce _______ effects on behavior.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
opposite See pages 164, 168.
If you want to teach a trick to a dog, what reinforcement schedule will most likely produce the highest rate of desired response?
Your Answer:
Variable interval
Correct Answer:
Variable ratio See pages 165-166.
This form of punishment requires the application of an aversive stimulus after a response. For example, when you burn your hand on the stove, you are less likely to do that again.
Your Answer:
immediate punishment
Correct Answer:
positive punishment See page 168.
Skinner believed that punishment
Your Answer:
was the most effective way to change the behavior of children.
Correct Answer:
does not extinguish behavior. See page 169.
Punishment tends to work effectively if it is
Your Answer:
with delay.
Correct Answer:
applied consistently. See page 170.
Which of the following is a behavior modification technique used to eliminate undesirable behavior, especially in children and adolescents, by withdrawing all reinforcers for a period of time?
Your Answer:
all of the above
Correct Answer:
time-out See page 173.
Which scientist developed the theory of insight learning through his work with chimps?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Kohler See page 175.
Who coined the term latent learning?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer:
Tolman See page 175.
Bandura's "Bobo Doll" experiment suggests that a child would be likely to hit an object after witnessing _________ hit that object.