The ghost is Hamlet's father king Hamlet. The ghost showing up at the doors to the castle illuminates a kind of fear to the guards. The guards notice that this figure looks like him and they go to get Hamlet. Hamlet comes out and sees him. The ghost said,”King Claudius has killed me, avenge me son”. This illuminates the theme revenge because Hamlet has been trying to figure out how his father has died and why he had died. This strikes a anger in Hamlet and he makes this his true drive to figure out if this is true. Hamlet talks to the player king and player queen about how they might like to change a couple things in the play they are doing for king claudius. They agree and Hamlet goes on about what he wants to change and how he wants it to be. The day they do this play is very important to the theme revenge because, Hamlet is trying to get a reaction by replaying to the exact specific of what …show more content…
king claudius did to his father. As the play goes on you can see that king claudius is becoming quite un easy and disturbed. When the play ends King Claudius outrages and runs away as quickly as possible. This is key to the theme revenge because, now that Hamlet knows that king claudius did indeed poison his father it has struck a kind of happiness in him that he gets to kill claudius and avenge his father. Hamlet now with his guarantee that King claudius is the one that did it is now planning his revenge.
Polonius is the son of laertes.
In a scene Hamlet is talking to his mom the queen. While this conversation is happening laertes is hiding behind a pillar in the room just incase Hamlet snaps. When this is occurring laertes moves just a little bit and hamlet jumps and stabs laertes right through the pillar and kills him. Polonius thus finds out about this and is now furious and swears death upon Hamlet. This is key to the theme because, now that polonius son is dead polonius is swearing death upon hamlet. Death as in revenge for laertes.
King Fortinbras swears death upon Hamlet because Hamlet’s father Hamlet killed Fortinbras father king fortinbras. Fortinbras marches towards Hamlet’s castle in hopes of killing and avenging his