
How Does Shakespeare Present Racism In The 21st Century

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Racism is a concept that each and every single one of us in the room today is familiar with, this is both from our everyday experiences in the 21st Century and through Shakespearian texts. Shakespeare explored many themes and racism is one that is quite predominant throughout the text, Othello. Shakespeare broke the societal norm of his time by creating a black hero and using a white villain to undermine and deceive his otherwise flawless black character.
It is through Shakespeare, that we are able to explore notions of racism and inequality, which were present then and still present now, thus enables us to see that this is still a highly topical issue in the 21st century, deeming it a very relevant and important unit for all to study.
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Quotes such as “old black ram”, “sooty bosom”, and “thick lips” are said many times throughout this Shakespearian play and are much like the racist comments that are evident in our everyday conversations. Othello played a very special role in this text, as more often than not the black characters were often portrayed as the villain, in doing this, Shakespeare already defied most stereotypes in that time. In saying this, the other characters comments in the text are no different from some of the racial comments are no different from some of the racial comments we here in the 21st Century. For all those who read the text, it brings forth stereotypes that entail black men to “practice witchcraft, to subdue terrified maidens”, and a majority of the time refers to Othello’s as an animal rather than a human. This is portrayed in the text when it states “Your daughter, and the moor and making the beast with two backs”. Like then, in the 21st century, these racial comments are still seen and are often as a result of our misunderstanding of culture. For example, when we hear the word, “Muslim”, we stereotype them into being bad due to their association with ISIS, and or some form of terrorist. We often jump to conclusions, and generalise these people around the actions of only a small minority of the group and then treat their entire religion and culture with the same form of disapproval that we should only have towards a few individuals. These stereotypes and generalisations are evident across the globe with people seeing colour as a way to define the good and the bad. It is evident, that through this, it is making it clear that racial profiling and stereotyping is evident in both Othello and the 21st century in which makes Shakespeare and his texts increasingly relevant to the 21st

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