Q 1. What is the diameter of the field of view of your microscope using the x10 objective (i.e. at a magnification of x100)?
The diameter of the field of view using the x10 objective is 1800 µm. Q 2. What is the diameter of the field of view of your microscope using the x40 objective (i.e. at a magnification of x400)?
The diameter of the field of view using the x40 objective is 400 µm.
Q 3. What is the ratio of magnification between the x10 and x40 objectives?
The ratio of magnification between the x10 and x40 objective is 4:1. Q 4. What is the ratio of the diameter of the field of view between the x10 and x40 objectives?
The ratio of the diameter of the field of view between the x10 and x40 objectives …show more content…
How does the Paramecium regulate its water content?
The Paramecium regulates its water content through their contractile vacuoles which excrete excess water. The excess water is collected into a contractile vacuole which swells and finally expels water through an opening in the cell membrane.
Q 7. How does the Paramecium ingest food particles? Describe the process from detection to ingestion.
The Paramecium ingests food particles through its cilia which sweeps the food along with water into the cell mouth after it falls into the oral groove. The food then travels through the cell mouth into the gullet. When enough food has been gathered, it breaks away and forms a food vacuole. As the food vacuole travels through the cell, enzymes from the cytoplasm enter the vacuole and digest it. When the vacuole reaches the anal pore, the remaining undigested waste is removed. Q 8. Describe the pattern of movement in Paramecium.
The cilia which covers the Paramecium’s external surface propels it in the water. A Paramecium doesn't swim in a perfectly straight line movement as the cilia surrounding the oral grove beats stronger than the rest. However, when it collides with a negative stimulus, it is can reverse, turn and then progress forward until another stimulus is encountered. Paramecium are also able to rotate up to 360 degrees to avoid strong chemical stimulus to …show more content…
Which of the two lines (A or B) shows the correct relationship between the frequency of Paramecium’s vacuolar contractions and water salinity? Explain why.
Line A shows the correct relationship between the frequency of Paramecium’s vacuolar contractions and water salinity. The greater the pond salinity of the medium where Paramecium is placed, the less there will be the formation of contractile vacuole per