An Essay Project for 11th grade: A Response to The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
Tim O'Brien, in his short story “The Things They Carried,” writes about what soldiers in Vietnam carried, literally and figuratively. He discusses what they “humped,” the tangible things and the intangible ones too. For example, all the men carried flak jackets which had a real defined weight but also they carried fear and “all the emotional baggage of men who might die” (21). We can touch the flak jacket but not the fear or Jimmy Cross' love for Martha.
For this assignment, we are going to create an essay, using O'Brien's model, of the things we carry. I expect us to adhere to the techniques of the short story, using the repetition of phrases such as “I carry” and “The things I carry.” The repetition is part of what makes this short story effective. I expect us to use repetition at least 20 times in our essays. Also, with almost every tangible item the soldiers carry, O'Brien tells us how much the item weighs. I expect us to do the same. Obviously don't go weigh items, just take a guess. …show more content…
I expect your essays to be loaded with things you carry.
But you need to explain some of them more, like O'Brien does in the story. Why do you carry the specific item or emotion? Almost equal portions of your essay should be devoted to tangible items and intangible ones. And with the intangibles, discuss them a little bit more. That's the good stuff. People want to hear about vulnerabilities. Take a chance a write something pretty personal about
The essay should typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 3 to 4 paragraphs and a minimum of 350 words. I expect you to proofread your paper (preferably at least ten times). Remember the best way to proofread your paper is by reading it aloud to yourself.
Our essays are due Monday, October 19th in class. Remember, “no late work is accepted at The Columbus School.” Each one of us will be presenting our paper by reading it to our classmates. I will be grading on three distinct categories: organization & clarity, perceived thoughtfulness and adherence to the parameters of the assignment (word count, repetition, tangible and intangible items, etc). Each portion will be worth 5 pts. of the 15 total points.
I look forward to writing my own essay and hearing yours. This is our first major grade of the new term and I expect these to be thoughtful, entertaining and enlightening essays.
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"Books," I say to them. "Books," I say. I throw my weight against their locked doors. The door holds. I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives.
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