One of the reasons that contributed to the rise to power of the Nazi party was Hitler himself: Hitler was an enigmatic character with a large personality, a brilliant speaker, an organised man and a driven politician. He practiced his speaking making abilities by attending many rallies and would draw the masses in by speaking quietly to begin with and as he saw people leaning in trying to catch what he was saying he would suddenly increase his volume and catch their attention, this was one of many intelligent techniques Hitler used as well as propaganda and the majority of people thought Hitler sounded like the only man who could lift Germany out of its crisis. His self-belief and passion for Germany provided a light in a bleak situation and persuaded people to believe in him. He had the ability to control people’s emotions because he realised that the only way to appeal to the masses wasn’t by confusing them with political policies (something they wouldn’t understand) but however by tailoring his speeches to each individual audiences and would add empathises on how he would solve their problems. He portrayed his party in such a manner that it gave people a strong sense of belief that the Nazis were the solution to their problems. He often underlined the importance of how the failures of the Weimar republic were associated with the problems Germany was facing and because he hadn’t been in the government he wasn’t associated with failure, therefore presenting himself as the strong extremist leader who would help Germany.
The Great Depression was one