answer when he asked her who his father was. She would always say that Barney and James had the same father. However, James knew that she lied because James is African American and Barney is Caucasian. James realized at a very young age his mother had lied to them their entire lives. Barney did not. He thought it was so incredible that they had the same father. It wasn't until his mother told him that they had different fathers that Barney questioned her “who's my father?” Loretta just pointed to the TV and said that the host of Price is Right, Bob Barker, was his father. Barney Stinson is very narcissistic.
He deems himself highly capable to accomplish anything. He affirms that he is the most important member of his group of friends. Every time he does something that he supposes is funny or extraordinary, he awaits a high five. Once he told a “funny” joke, but no one found it funny. He felt offended so much that he kept his hand up until someone returned his high-five. Barney is further known to sleep with a lot of women along with never failing to remind his friends how “awesome” he is and what he did the night before. He informs everyone that he is “Legendary.” He even constructed a playbook with all his plays he has done to women or what he will do to be with a woman. He as well generated a book called the Bro Book, which he lives by. He says he did not execute it, but that the greatest bro in history did. Every time we get a scene from the book Barney is always the main man. He is quite preoccupied with his beauty which induced him to wear a suit every day. Ever since his girlfriend left him years ago for a man in a suit, he realized that he was doing something wrong. He concocted a suit would fix his heartache. He assured a bully of his he would be with twice the women he has been with. That promise was completed at the 200th mark. He was ruthless to sleep with all those women to prove to that kid, he could do it, yet he hasn't seen him since. He got fixated on that one thing his whole life. Whenever he is with a woman he never …show more content…
recognizes her needs or feelings. Moreover, he doesn't listen to anybody. Barney sees himself as a king who does not take orders from anyone else. He rarely listens to his friend Ted or others whom he classifies as “bros.” His need for affection and admiration from his peers is greatly noted. He feeds off the attention he is obsessed with. As he considers himself superior, he finds it necessary for all to do want he commands. He reckons everyone envies him. Though arrogance doesn't take him far. His magnetism for narcissism is immensely displayed on all accounts throughout the duration of the show. His character is composed of the uttermost or if not the outright of all the symptoms of the personality disorder, narcissism. Barney is a very discombobulated man that one can facilely take notice he undoubtedly needs to go be apprised of his narcissistic nature. Who could really use a session with a therapist every now and then. He also has many other problems, but one of his main one is narcissism. He doesn't want to admit anything is wrong with him even though all his friends know he should get help. This plays a role in his depression that comes later on because he couldn't make his relation to Robin work. It wasn't until then that he decided to get help and ask others to help him. He changed a bit. He was more open to things, but always went back to being the same Barney everyone knew. As narcissism went back about a thousand years ago, it hasn't but recently been acknowledged with the past 50 years.
The start of narcissism comes from a Greek story. In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a young and beautiful proud man. In the story he saw his reflection in the pond and was breath taken by what he saw and there fell in love. He was so in love that he did not leave the water. He died beside the pond because he could not bare to leave his beautiful image. As a result of his death, he became a flower. It wasn't until the early 1900s that narcissism started to emerge in the minds of psychoanalytic's. Many known psychoanalytic's, like Sigmund Freud, have studied narcissism and given their own point of view. Freud believed that a person possessed a natural craving pursing to be uniquely themselves. But then he believes, that after a while narcissism goes down and it is essential to have love and affection replace the empty part of narcissism. Throughout history psychoanalysts have conducted experiments and written papers on narcissism and have left their own theories about it. It wasn't until the 1980s that narcissism officially became known as a disorder by the DSM III. Today in the DSM-V, narcissism is under personality disorders and has a code of 301.81. Since the acknowledgment in the early 1900's there has been many cases and patients being