In the article the focus is the way that mothers are portrayed in the media. The over simplification of the role of motherhood inside house and outside of the house is something to take notice to. Often in the media mothers are recognized for being housewives and care givers. Yes, this is true that they are care givers but mothers also have careers and do just as much and even more work than men. The second shift is mentioned in the power point. The media also over simplify the complexity to being a mother. In magazines, it is portrayed that who makes the best cookies is the focus to …show more content…
The harsh /reality is that mother hood is a lot more than just cooking and cleaning; being individual is key to what takes. The media also portrays mothers in a negative outlook. When it comes to TV shows like Law and Order SVU; mother almost never have a positive image. Moreover, the idea of mommy dearest and the evil step mother is a negative connotation of what it means to be a mother. Being a good mother and a bad mother is all contingent upon how the children turn out in life. That responsibility should not be all determined by the mother. Mothers do all they can do and sometimes the way their child turnout, is out of her control. The gender roles that placed at an early age is what is influenced on media today. When come the toys, children play with; they are usually separated by gender. Baby dolls for little girls and hot wheels for little boys. Predisposing the children to their roles in society. When look at news segments you would normally see a