
How Is Ophelia Different From The Book Of Hamlet

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How Is Ophelia Different From The Book Of Hamlet
The movie and book of Hamlet is a bit deceiving. The Queen and Ophelia are shown as being loved by all the men in their lives but that is falsely shown in both the book and the movie. This is extremely important to realize because if you look a bit further past the surface of the movie and the book you will notice that the ladies in the story are treated poorly. The three parts that prove this to be true, the queen’s son Hamlet and the King didn't tell her the truth to benefit themselves. Hamlet treats Ophelia poorly and disregards her feelings like a typical man. Polonius also treats his daughter poorly and uses her as a spy, completely disregarding her feelings toward Hamlet. The Queen’s son Hamlet and the King didn’t tell her the truth to benefit themselves. Gertrude marrying Claudius Hamlet’s uncle so soon after his fathers death makes Hamlet extremely furious towards his mother, causing him to become violent towards her. The Ghost that Hamlet meets adds more fuel to the fire giving him more information about his mother and uncle. Hamlet finds out that his mother has been seeing his uncle long before his fathers death. Hamlet keeps to himself for the most part about about his reasons for being furious with his mother. But in the end the Queen comes to the …show more content…
Polonius treats his daughter as if she can’t make her own decisions like she is a child when he speaks to her. He doesn’t think she is capable of making the right decisions when it comes to relationships. He tells Ophelia she needs to be careful to who she opens up to, not thinking about her well-being or what she wants but more less about how it makes him look. Polonius strongly states the fact that he owns his daughter and can use her for whatever he may wish. This also reflects the fact that men controlled the women in that society and she couldn’t go against her fathers

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