The Great Gatsby is an epic romantic drama film, following the life of Nick Carraway, who has just moved to New York in hopes of pursuing the American Dream. Carraway's fascination turns towards his mysterious yet extravagant neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Gatsby attempts to remake the past by altering his identity and accumulating riches in order to win over his lost love; Daisy. Through the characters, we are shown a world of money, class, power, drinking, and casual love affairs.
The cast is excellent, led by another great …show more content…
Daisy’s fantasy places romance and passion at the center, Gatsby’s fantasy believes that the real world centers around him and his own personal desires. Each character is living in a dream, where their good instincts are replaced with self-centered beliefs. The 1920s was an era of extravagance, the films extravagant effects accurately convey this with its usage of intensified colors, sounds and visual effects, evident within one of the many party scenes. However, the constant camera movements and rapid editing, prevent the viewer's eye from fully soaking in the