A major Welfare program Medicaid, which was created by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965. Establish for the elderly, it was for those 66 and older to help pay for medical needs Since then many other programs have been added under the umbrella of Medicare (Medicare: a time line of key developments). There are people, who need Medicare, and it is a very basic need of America’s economy, but there are multiple places where it can be fixed so that there are fewer loopholes in the system. During the years 1970- 1974 the Medicare coverage was extended to those under 65, those who receive S.S.D.I payments for two years, and those with E.S.R.D. (Medicare: a time line of key developments). Throughout the rest of the 1900’s, there would be almost constant change and amendments to the Welfare system. During the late 80’s The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) was an act that made Medicare coverage mandatory for all newly hired state and local government employees, it was later appealed. (Medicare: a time line of key…