Completing the Essay Worksheet
Answer the following questions to help complete your final essay:
1. Draft an introduction for your essay based on the best practices you studied this week. Your introductory paragraph should be 5 to 7 sentences. Remember: Your introduction should include a hook to capture the attention of your audience and the last sentence of your introductory paragraph must be your thesis statement.
According to Medicare Enrollment (2015)
Medicare is to ensure that better medical care be available to the aged and very ill people. Medicare is federally funded and taken out of your pay by a tax on your wages. Every citizen who is currently working provides a portion of their salary to the budget of the Medicare program. Employers and employees contribute an equal percentage of their wages to fund Medicare. Government involvement in health care has gradually increased but so has the cost. Concerns are being expressed about the limitations of our resources in continuing to provide for everyone who has health care needs. I think that health care insurance should be for all aged people who need it. If the government controlled insurance and everyone had insurance, cost could be monitored.
2. Draft a conclusion for your essay based on the best practices you studied this week. Your paragraph should be 5 to 7 sentences.
The state should develop a flexible and available insurance program to benefit all senior citizens and reduce the number of uninsured seniors. I am confident that the impact and full public support for such incentives on both federal and state level. I believe that the program will get better and by an authorized team of experts including comprehensive public coverage, insurance experts, doctors and medical staff. Every interested senior citizen will have an opportunity to express their support or opposition to its statements. I believe our senior citizens will have an opportunity to voice