1. What are the family’s characteristics that have influenced the child’s development thus far? Consider: SES/family structure/relationships/stresses/supports./language/cultural values/ethnicity/community resources.
Eleanor’s parents have recently separated last year. Eleanora lives in two different homes. She goes between mom’s home and dads home. Her paternal grandfather lives with her and dad. Parents only communication is though texting and this communication that only pertains to what is happening with Eleanor. Eleanor has told me in conversations that someone will pick her up from either parents’ house and bring her to the other parent. Custody goes on a 4-4 schedule. I also have learned from other teachers that Eleanor’s parents do not do anything as a family with Eleanora.
2. Write …show more content…
How might you engage the family in the curriculum planned for the child? What transitions are in the future for the child? How can you involve the family in these aspects of the child’s development and learning?
Eleanor will not benign going to kindergarten. I think one way I can bring her parents in is by having them come in and teach the children about their work. But also talking to each of them separately and figuring out plans for Eleanora as they are need. How I would do this is by gathering information and ideas from both parents and blending them together.
6. What theories or other professional knowledge about children and families comes to mind as you learn about this child and family? Clearly articulate how you might use your knowledge about research, ethics, guidance, or any other area of early learning as you consider how you will work with the child and family this term. What I think about is Bronfenbrenner theory because even though her parents are separated that means that she has more people in her life. She has the people that she sees when she is with mom and the ones when with dad. This would mean that she has more support in her life.