One of the most important partnerships that you will make will be with parents. it is essential that we developstrong partnerships with parents because they know their children well and by sharing information with them, we can find out more about their child's care and also their emotional needs. if partnership working is in place, we can exchange information with parents about their child's learning so that they can further support their learning. also parents play an essential role in children's lives. They offer emoitonal security and stability as well as influencing children's values and attitudes. They know about their child's personality, interests and also quirks.
It is a requirement of the EYFS for key persons to work closely with parents with the aim of helping them to support their child's development at home. There is research to show that parents who do things such as share stories, chat to their children and play with them make a significant difference to children's outcomes.
The starting point for this work is to ensure that you have a good relationship with parents. This is important because if parents do not trust their child's key person or do not enjoy working with them, they are less likely to take on board their advice and suggestions. It is also important that you show a good understanding of parents own strengths and interests and acknowledge what some parents already do at home. In addition, we also need to think about barriers that might make it difficult for parents, such as having several young children or working long hours. Recognising these barriers should help us to