However, when other classmates discussed the specific designs for their carriage or egg-baby, it did not seem like a bad idea afterall. As time progressed and information was spread about whose egg had cracked or been proclaimed dead, I was proud to have kept Eggsmeralda safe and unharmed.
This experience made me realize the responsibilities that come with parenthood. When making the decision to have a child, communication is essential, the best reason to bring someone else into this world is because you would like to care and love another person. It was hard managing my schedule, typically, I would spend more than two hours focusing on schoolwork and test preparations but in order to focus, I would have someone watch Eggsmeralda. It was important to take precautions and have my egg-baby in good hands. Eggsmeralda could not be left unattended which meant I would have to choose an egg-sitter and make sure not to choose someone who was unreliable and would place her in intentional danger or harm.
I had an incident on December 21 where I had forgotten Eggsmeralda home. I rushed through breakfast and told my mom to …show more content…
This assignment does not acknowledge how parents must balance their school, work and social life while caring for another person. Furthermore, parenthood would include managing the expenses of having a child; the constant stops to the store to refill on diapers and other supplies. Parents are responsible for making sure their children are in a safe environment, where all of their necessities are readily available. In conclusion, this project has given me a deeper understanding of the responsibilities that coincide with parenthood, such an important life decision must be discussed with your significant