As I lie there I remember the motion of my heart going “thump thump”, I remember the anxiousness that filled the room. I laid thinking that it felt like just yesterday I was outside riding my tricycle and now as of February 2012 my life would change from being any normal young adult to a young lady with a lot more responsibilities. The tears, and the joy took part in my mixed feelings and I just could not wait to see what the next step in life would be for me. Not many women can say that they have lived through that very special moment of childbearing or even labor, but I can tell you that seven months later I could not be anymore happier then I already am.
March 2011 I met a man in a clinic who sat my fiancé, Corbin, and I down and basically predicted out futures and what new improvements that will appear soon in the both of us, not only with our attitudes and our love but with an improvement of a new addition to our family. He did not call himself a psychic, but a profit speaking only through the word of God. I remember the profit telling Corbin that he is going to have a baby girl, and at that moment I could not help but give Corbin a blank stare and wonder “Why on earth would this man be saying that Corbin should be expecting a baby girl when I am not pregnant?” So I did what like any other women would do instantly accusing him of cheating and walked out the room and no longer wanted to listen to what the profit had to say. For weeks I was upset and was tired of, what I thought, were lies from Corbin and eventually just came to face the fact that I would have to deal with him supposedly cheating on me and me a good step mom to his future daughter. Time passed and of course Corbin’s answer to me still consisted of the same speech; “Bae I did not cheat on you, why won’t you believe me?” All I could do was run away and bury my swollen face into the bed pillows. In June 2011 I still had no word on another women being pregnant, so while I