Mrs. Johnson is 28 years old. She has had two other children a girl and a boy. This is here third pregnancy. She is in her ninth month and still looks active and happy. I wanted to know if this pregnancy was planned and she looks at me with a smile. She said "We tried for three months to get pregnant." Mrs. Johnson …show more content…
explained that three years ago she had a gastric bypass surgery and the doctor didn't think it was a good idea for her to become pregnant. Gastric Bypass Surgery is generally considered to be the best surgical procedure for the treatment of obesity. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the functional portion of the stomach to a pouch one ounce or less in size, and by creating a stoma, a small opening between the stomach and the intestine. When you are pregnant you need to consume more food than four ounces and that is all she can eat at one time. It doesn't matter if it is food or drink. Mrs. Johnson didn't have any tests done before pregnancy. Mrs. Johnson said that she knew she was pregnant really quickly. After being pregnant twice before you know the signs she says. Mrs. Johnson said that she had nausea, missed menstrual, and tender breasts. She used a pregnancy test and it was positive. Later a blood test from the base hospital confirmed that she was pregnant. I was very concerned when she said that the doctors didn't agree with the pregnancy so I wanted to know about her prenatal care. She said that she was considered high risk so she would go to the hospital every two weeks until she was seven months pregnant. At her seventh month she started going every week. They didn't notice any problems until here eighth month then they notice he wasn't gaining weight properly. They keep taking tests and hopefully everything will turn out just how she has wanted it.
Johnson has decided that she doesn't want anymore children. After this baby she is scheduled to have her tubes tied. She feels that all the worries she has had is difficult and she wants to have her wonderful bundle of joy and that is it. She already has two children so in today's society she believes that three is enough. She feels that she can financially support three for now but she said she sees the problems in the long run. College is going to be expensive and when they first drive that will be hard but she states she is ready for it. Mrs. Johnson doesn't want to go back to work right now. She says that it is hard having a husband in the air force. You never know when they are going to go. You never know when there schedules change. "It bothers me sometimes I feel like a single parent" I asked her about daycare when she goes back to work and she said "Only if you would start watching infants again" and we both laughed. A little humor seemed to change the mood because I notice the stress in her eyes thinking about three kids by
Everyone always thinks about a boy or a girl. I asked her what she would like. First she said a healthy child. She already has both a boy and a girl. She then says well I want a girl. I love to dress them. I love the closeness that we have but I am happy to say that I am having a boy. I have had many ultrasounds and he wasn't shy. It is a 100% boy. Mrs. Johnson said she didn't have the amniocentesis and she would not use genetic counseling.
Next we thought we would talk about teratogens. She didn't know what that was so I explained. The only thing she seemed to live on was Tums. She can't eat and drink that much so sodas was off limits. She only has protein shakes. Hard Drugs was definitely out of the question.
The baby's name is going to be Jayden. They went through several names like Xavier, Joshua, David but none really felt right. All the names where picked from a baby book. Most people today seem to do it that way. Just pick a name out of a book and go with it.
I have explained earlier that her husband is in the air force and is delighted about the pregnancy. His work schedule is very inconsistent. She says he wish he could change that. He works twelve hour shifts five days a week. And he days off fluctuate. They have been married for eight years so there life together is stable. The father doesn't do any drugs or smokes so that is not an issue in there life at all. She loves it when she has a long day and he rubs her back and runs his fingers through her hair and massages her head. I thought that was awkward but that is what she likes.
This pregnancy seems to have its positive and negative things about it. The negative is stress. Stress on there time together, there other children, him working, her postponing college and the over all health of the baby. She is also starting to have discomfort while sleeping. She is use to sleeping on her stomach and she defiantly can't do that anymore. The positive is they are bringing a human in this world that they are going to love and cherish and raise together. This person is a part of them and that weighs out the entire negative feelings toward being pregnant. I wanted to know what she does to help with stress. She said she reads and gets her nails done. That is all she needs every couple of weeks to keep her spirits up and make her feel good about her self.
I asked her about old wives tales she said she didn't know any but her mom was at the house visiting and she is from the south and she had many. First don't wash your hair for six weeks after the baby is born. Because your pores are wide open and you don't want to get sick. I've heard that you can take a pregnant woman's urine and mix it with Drano to tell the sex of the baby. I hear that it's 100% accurate. If you're carrying your baby high, it's a girl. If you're carrying your baby low, it's a boy." "If you're craving sweets, you're having a girl. If you're craving salt, you're having a boy." "If a wedding ring or needle suspended over your belly moves in a strong circular motion, you're having a girl. If it moves to and fro like a pendulum, you're having a boy." If your heart rate of less than 140 beats per minute means that you're having a boy and a heart rate of over 140 beats per minutes means that you're having a girl. I have heard some of these before. She seems like she has a lot more to say also.
Being that Mrs. Johnson is already a parent she really wasn't sure of being a mother changing her identity. The only advice that she gives is wait. Her first child she had really young and she says that this one she is more stable and she appreciates that fact of being pregnant. It is pleasant not a bother.
I thanked Mrs. Johnson and her mother for the wonderful input they gave me on the pregnancy. I wish them all the best.
I really enjoyed this project. The observation was fun and interesting to see someone else's view on pregnancy. I found out that some things that I thought in pregnancy were normal. Sometimes feeling alone was just that part of being a military wife and pregnant. The pros of this interview were you were face to face with your subject and you noticed when something was wrong and when they felt happy. If you were to do it on the phone then you can not get the whole feel of the environment and her actions. The accuracy of the observation may not be as successful. The type of research I did was case study. The research method which one individual is studies intensively. The books states case studies can provide a wealth of detail, which makes them rich in possible insights. I believe that the book it true. I found out a lot of information and it was one on one so I got the information first hand. I really enjoyed this project and I believe that case studies are a benefit to finding out exactly what you want to know.