During the first trimester women tend to have morning sickness such as vomiting, nauseas. in some cases men also tend to experience morning sickness, but Sharane said that her husband did not …show more content…
experience any sickness or cravings. women tend to reveal their pregnancy to their family members after the three months of pregnancy because 1 out of 10 will end in miscarriage, but for women who are pregnant after their late thirties the chance of miscarrying Is roughly 1 out of 5. Miscarriage is caused by genetic problems or it can also be natural in which the embryo was not compatible with life. Sharane mentioned that she never told her family members about her two previous miscarriage. the only person who knew was her husband in which he was very supportive, she also said her mother and sister also had a miscarriage. pregnancy symptoms varies from woman to woman. sharane compared her previous and current pregnancy and she said they were both very a like but there were still some differences, she has been sick in both pregnancies but she is now more sick, she doesn’t really exercise and she does eat a lot but tries to eat healthy which is good for her and the babys health. the difference between her two pregnancies is that she sleeps better now than she did before, Sharane also mentioned that her first pregnancy was very difficult and she is more moody now than before. pregnancy is not a solo act. in the book there is a story about a women who told her husband they were having a baby but the father had a bad reaction to the news because he said he was not able to take care of the baby he was not mentally nor financially ready for this. her husband left and se was left alone and had nobody to help her out, she got laid off from her job and she was feeling lonely. with these type of examples we can see that not everyone will react the same when they find out they are having a baby. for Sharane it was good because her husband was very supportive with her pregnancy and her two previous misscarriages. but the story from the women who was left by her husband was not good. studies show that low socioeconomics status puts pregnant women at risk for feeling lonely and sometimes depressed. dads most often bring emotions out when they stick with their partner during their pregnancy.
most men stick around with their partner because they don’t want their child to be without a father. in some cases the father are very attentive and they give all attention to their women and everything they do has to be done perfectly. In Sharane's case she said her husband did not please her like other men would with their partner but he did make sure she was doing okay, I mean they lived in the same house and they are husband and ife. Sharane's first son Hunter is taking his mom pregnancy well. her attention is mostly for him in order for Hunter not to get jealous and she tells him that he is having a baby brother or sister. she also mentioned that Hunter experienced a seizure and she felt devastated because there was nothing she could do. Hunter and I can relate to this because I also had a seizure when I was only months old when this happened to me. My mother said she doesn’t wish this to ever happen to anyone because it’s a heart breaking seeing your child suffer while there was nothing for her to
do. the goal for every pregnancy Is for the mother and child to be healthy. I hope Sharane's baby is born healthy and safe. I learned so much from her and she seems like she is doing her best in taking care of her small family.