“It’s alright Victoria just breathe! You got this baby! Breathe take a deep breath. Calm down Victoria!” says Ruby. The doctor comes into the room and says, “You’re doing a good job, but at this moment she has stopped coming so we need to get you prepared to do an emergency C-section and bring this beautiful baby girl into this world. Now you can only take one family member back there with you. I will leave that choice up to you.” The family begins to look around the room and wonder who will be the one to go back with her on this special delivery. It’s narrowed down to two and it was either the Father of the child or the Mother of the Mother of the child. Now this brings me back to the day I had a major decision to make on rather I wanted to actually keep my child or have an abortion. Ah yes. I can remember this day as if it was yesterday. I was sitting at the Hope Center and the nurse had just come back into the room with prenatal pills and a blanket to let me know that I was expecting. I bust out in tears and there was nothing else I could think to do. At this time, my sister who is a year younger than me was also pregnant, my oldest sister was pregnant, my brother girlfriend was pregnant, and my daughter’s father already had one child and was not ready for another one, and I was completely not ready for a child period! As I talked to the father of the child, the option that we were thinking was abortion. It seemed to be the best option for the both of us and we were hoping that our parents and loved ones would understand our decision.
I called my mother on the phone and told her the news and before I could even tell her what I had decided to do, she told me that the option of abortion was not happening and against the word of God, so it was not to happen. I cried even more and decided that rather we wanted this child or not, I had to carry my baby for nine months and give birth. I was scared of the reaction of the father and what he thought about my decision. He really didn’t want to accept the decision but as a man, he stepped up and begins to think about it and accepted in anyways. As months go by, we find out that we were not having what we expected, but we were getting a baby girl. As we got ready for our baby girl, I was working and time was getting close to her due date. On the last doctor’s visit to check up on the baby, my doctor said that it might be a possibility that I could be overdue. It didn’t happen and on the 18th of January the labor pains begin and I went into surgery at 9:27 pm and at 9:37pm came out a beautiful, healthy baby girl.